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Zodiac Diet: Can Your Sign Help You Eat Better Over Time? | CrunchyTales

Zodiac Diet: Could Your Sign Help You Eat Better Over Time?

9 min read

From Paleo to blood type, there’s a dizzying array of diets out there. But how do you pick the one that suits you best? Your goals can be your guide. Do you want to shed weight? Manage heart health? Or, maybe you want a more unique approach…some even base their choices on astrology!

While there’s no hard science linking diet with your star sign, your birth chart contains insights about your personality and how you tick, so why not use it to help guide your dietary choices? After all astrological medicine has been around for thousands of years.

I’ve been a registered dietitian and have been interested in astrology for decades. Viewing my clients’ charts offers me a unique perspective on their wellness and nutrition needs.

Elemental balance (i.e. the amount of fire, earth, air, and water in the chart) can influence energy levels. Incorporating astrological insights allows me to offer a holistic, personalized approach that resonates with my client’s inherent tendencies and needs. This can enhance engagement and adherence to the wellness plan we design together.

Here’s a fun guide to foods along with nutrition and fitness tips for each zodiac sign, complete with what to eat, what to avoid and some stellar action steps to help you age well and feel amazing!

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

Strong, vital, and courageous; the ram requires a high-octane diet with staying power to fuel her fiery nature and high metabolism.

  • Eat: High-energy foods that contain fibre and protein and take longer to digest. Choose complex carbs (whole grains, legumes, fruits and veggies), healthy fats, and lean proteins.
  • Avoid: While it may be tempting to grab sweets to fuel your next adventure, too much sugar can cause you to crash and feel tired and hungry so avoid refined carbs and shortcut sweetness.
  • Movement: Activities that are challenging, dynamic, and competitive such as martial arts, pickleball, or spinning can keep you motivated.

Action Steps:

  1. Snack on nuts and seeds for sustained energy. Good choices for healthy ageing include flax seeds, chia seeds, hemp seeds, and walnuts because they are high in protein, healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals.
  2. Incorporate more leafy greens to balance out that fiery spirit.
  3. Since you enjoy risk, adventure, and zest try new foods and see what makes you feel energized.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

This graceful earth sign requires foods that keep her grounded, feed her sensuous nature, and fuel her gifts of persistence and resilience.

  • Eat: This sign is prone to weight gain especially as she ages and sluggishness, so it’s important to eat foods that are light and energizing. Good choices include fresh fruits and vegetables; lean meats like chicken, fish, and turkey; and complex carbohydrates. Taurus rules the neck and throat so it’s also important to get natural iodine which can be found in seafood.
  • Avoid: Because of your sedentary nature and desire for comfort you may crave rich foods, sweets and meat and potatoes. However, try to steer clear of heavy, greasy or sugary foods that can weigh you down.
  • Movement: Slow and steady is where you’re at, so find a routine that you like and can stick to such as a daily walk in nature combined with strength training a few times a week.

Action Steps:

  1. Have smoothies packed with fruit, greens, and protein for breakfast.
  2. Choose roasted sweet potatoes over fries or mashed white potatoes for a healthy comfort food fix that will leave you satisfied and keep your blood sugar levels even.
  3. Practice Mindful Eating to up your pleasure factor

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

Mutable air sign Gemini needs stimulation and a varied diet to fuel her outgoing, curious, playful nature and keep boredom away.

  • Eat: Light and varied foods like salads, steamed veggies, nuts, oats, dairy products, and fresh fruits.
  • Avoid: Caffeine, refined carbohydrates and sugar that can overstimulate your nervous system.
  • Movement: Choose activities that engage your love of speed and being social like running with a group of friends or playing a team sport.

Action Steps:

  1. To fuel your overactive nature and avoid exhaustion, eat several mini-meals throughout the day instead of three large meals.
  2. Always on the move, you tend to like fast food because it’s easy to grab and go, so to stay healthy as you age do some meal planning and prep and keep fruits and cut-up veggies handy for quick snacks.
  3. Choose herbal teas over coffee to stay calm and focused.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Sensitive, yet tenacious Cancer needs foods that are homey, nurturing, and soothing.

  • Eat: Nourishing, home-cooked meals with plenty of vegetables and lean proteins.
  • Avoid: Processed foods that can disrupt your sensitive stomach. Cancers also tend to emotionally eat and overdo alcohol, which they don’t tolerate well, so learn healthier ways to regulate your emotions and care for and soothe yourself.
  • Movement: Yoga is great for Cancer because it can help keep you grounded and feed your sensitive soul. Core work is key because you’re a nurturer and tend to feel things in the centre of your being.

Action Steps:

  1. Cook soups and stews with lots of veggies for a comforting meal.
  2. Eat plenty of probiotic and prebiotic foods to create a healthy gut.
  3. Practice self-compassion to help you manage and regulate your emotions.

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

Regal, charismatic, joyful Leos need foods that fuel their creative brilliance and desire to take centre stage and inspire others with their courage and strength.

  • Eat: Leo rules the heart and spine so heart-healthy foods like lean proteins especially foods high in omega-3 like salmon and sardines, vegetables, nuts, and whole grains
  • Avoid: Overly rich and indulgent foods that can lead to weight gain and clogged arteries.
  • Movement: Leos loves to be on stage and have fun so choose movement classes like Zumba or Jazzercise that allow you to be in the spotlight and enjoy yourself.

Action Steps:

  1. Pair grilled filet mignon or salmon with a large salad and a side of roasted potatoes for a regal meal.
  2. Snack on colourful veggie sticks with hummus.
  3. Leos also need downtime and mindfulness or meditation to destress and ensure good heart health.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

Down to earth, health-conscious Virgo is orderly and efficient and loves to be useful, productive, and help others. However, she can be self-critical in matters including diet and wellness routines.

  • Eat: Virgo rules the digestive system, so this sign can have a sensitive stomach. Simple, wholesome foods like whole grains, vegetables, and legumes. A regular routine with smaller meals and snacks is best to help maintain energy levels and support your exacting, meticulous nature.
  • Avoid: To align with your desire for purity avoid artificial additives, excessive sugar, and overly processed foods.
  • Movement: Virgos like routine and structured, purposeful activities with tangible benefits. Good choices include Pilates and yoga especially classes with a meditative component where Virgos can give themselves permission to just be.

Action Steps:

  1. Do weekly food prep to feed your desire for control and order. For example, prepare grain bowls with quinoa, beans, and fresh veggies for the week and make some overnight oats.
  2. Keep a variety of herbal teas (peppermint and ginger are good choices) on hand to aid digestion and make sure to consume prebiotic and probiotic foods.
  3. Practice Mindful Eating to help you connect with your body’s signals and enjoy your food.
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Libra (September 23 – October 22)

This elegant, air sign loves creating and sustaining balance and promoting harmony, especially in relationships. However, she can be indecisive and may have a sweet tooth

  • Eat: Eat with others, vary your diet and choose aesthetically pleasing, balanced meals with a wide array of colours and textures. Eat the rainbow and balance your macros by consuming different types of protein, healthy fats, and complex carbs.
  • Avoid: Sugary snacks that can lead to energy crashes.
  • Movement: Libras are social. so they do great at team sports such as soccer or softball. To feed your need for equilibrium do some weekly full-body workouts that combine cardio, balance, stretching, and strength training

Action Steps:

  1. Practice moderation and maximize satisfaction by creating balanced, attractive meals.
  2. Satisfy your sweet tooth with fresh fruit, a little dark chocolate and nuts instead of candy.
  3. To keep meals interesting and enjoyable, experiment with different cuisines and flavors and share meals with others.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

This complex, intense, passionate, resilient sign enjoys transformative experiences and can seek them in all parts of their lives including diet and wellness.

  • Eat: To fuel transformation, focus on whole, unprocessed foods that maximize nutrition and incorporate superfoods into your diet such as berries, kale, and hemp seed. Detoxifying foods like beets, garlic, and leafy greens and plenty of water can also help support your overall health.
  • Avoid: Heavy and fatty foods that can clog things up and slow you down.
  • Movement: To fuel your intensity and release built-up energy, choose workouts that push you and make you sweat such as CrossFit, spin, or kickboxing.

Action Steps:

  1. Make salads with kale, beets, and a garlic vinaigrette with a healthy protein such as tofu or salmon and a side of complex carbs such as brown rice or sweet potatoes to sustain your energy.
  2. Scorpio is a water sign so stay hydrated by drinking green juices or herbal teas like dandelion and ginger which can aid detoxification.
  3. When you want to indulge in comfort foods choose something that nourishes your soul (not just the belly).

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

Adventurous, energetic, and confident; this fire sign loves to explore and discover new things.

  • Eat: To satisfy your craving for variety and exotic tastes experiment and incorporate a wide range of foods and flavors from around the globe.
  • Avoid: Monotonous meals and empty calories that can sap your energy and lead to weight gain.
  • Movement: Adventure time and an active lifestyle are key for Sagittarius, so activities like hiking, biking, horseback riding, and surfing will keep your mind, body, and spirit fired up.

Action Steps:

  1. Experiment with international recipes featuring exotic spices, diverse foods, and colourful ingredients.
  2. To keep your energy high and fuel your adventures, include complex carbohydrates, healthy fats, and lean proteins.
  3. Take healthy snacks on your adventures such as trail mix and dried fruit and stay hydrated to balance out your fiery energy.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

Strategic, pragmatic, and focused Capricorns are goal-oriented and appreciate structure in their diets and wellness routines.

  • Eat: Stick to regular mealtimes to maintain your energy level and choose nutrient-dense whole foods. Capricorn rules the skeletal system so make sure to include calcium-rich foods like dairy products, and leafy greens and make sure you get adequate vitamin D.
  • Avoid: To support bone health, avoid excessive caffeine, soft drinks, highly processed foods with added salt, and alcohol.
  • Movement: Highly disciplined Capricorns can stay motivated by choosing challenging, competitive, endurance activities like marathons or triathlons.

Action Steps:

  1. Take care of your bone health by eating plenty of calcium-rich foods and spending time outside to soak in the sun and generate vitamin D.
  2. To avoid overeating and maintain a healthy weight, exercise portion control and stick to regular meal and snack times too.
  3. To stay grounded and reduce caffeine intake choose green tea over coffee.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

Independent, and innovative, Aquarius loves being part of a group while asserting her own uniqueness. However, at times she can be strong-headed and feel intellectually superior.

  • Eat: Aquarians need a diet that supports their mental clarity and creativity. An innovative and nutritious diet that is rich in omega-3 fats and anti-oxidants is key coupled with more plant-based meals to support their socially conscious values.
  • Avoid: Conventional meats and overly processed junk food that lacks nutritional value.
  • Movement: The Aquarius spirit craves freedom and change so biking solo or with a group is ideal. You may also enjoy innovative ways to move such as aerial yoga, jumping on a trampoline or hula hooping.

Action Steps:

  1. Keep up to date on the latest nutrition research and trends to make informed diet choices that support your long-term well-being.
  2. Experiment with vegan proteins such as tempeh and seitan and add legumes to salads and soups for a boost of fibre and easy-on-the-planet protein.
  3. Eat with your community to build connections and fuel your brain with ideas.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

The last sign on the zodiac wheel, Pisces is intuitive, empathetic, and sensitive and tends to thrive on a balanced diet and holistic wellness practices that nurture physical, emotional and spiritual well-being. Pisces need to be aware that while they are dreamers they also can become disillusioned.

  • Eat: The water sign needs hydration to maintain energy levels and support overall health. They do well on hydrating plant foods like cucumbers, celery, watermelon, and oranges. Incorporate lean proteins, especially seafood.
  • Avoid: Salty snacks that can cause bloating.
  • Movement: This water sign does great at water activities such as swimming, paddleboarding and kayaking. Yoga is also a great practice to support your sensitive and receptive nature.

Action Steps:

  1. Enjoy salads at your meals that incorporate hydrating foods such as cucumber and melon.
  2. Incorporate simple foods that you find calming a grounding. For example, grilled fish with a side of steamed veggies.
  3. Nurture yourself by practising Intuitive Eating by paying attention to what your body wants, listening to hunger and fullness cues, and savouring your food.

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About The Author

Dr Ellen Albertson | The Midlife Whisperer

Dr Ellen Albertson | The Midlife Whisperer

Dr Ellen is a psychologist, registered dietitian, board-certified health and wellness coach, podcast host, Reiki master, and self-compassion teacher. Known as The Midlife Whisperer™, she helps women have the energy, confidence, and clarity to make their next chapter their best chapter. A bestselling, award-winning author, and inspirational speaker, Dr. Ellen is an expert on women’s well-being and sits on the medical board of The National Menopause Foundation. Dr Ellen has appeared on Extra, the Food Network and NBC World News and has been quoted in Psychology Today, Forbes, and Eating Well. She has written for SELF, Better Homes & Gardens and Good Housekeeping. Her latest book is Rock Your Midlife: 7 Steps to Transform Yourself and Make Your Next Chapter Your Best Chapter! She brings over 30 years of counselling, coaching, and healing experience to her holistic practice and transformational work. She lives on the Champlain Islands of Vermont with her high-tech, raw-food-loving partner Ken and her tree-climbing Border Collie Rosie. Want to know how to revitalize your life after 50? Take Dr. Ellen‘s Midlife Wellbeing Quiz HERE!

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