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Why Magnesium Is A Lady’s Best Friend

3 min read

Our nutritional needs change during the menopause and even more in summer. One of the minerals that we lose faster during the good season is magnesium: if you encounter muscle cramping, fatigue, weakness, irritability, vertigo and sleepless nights maybe it’s time to increase intakes of the so-called ‘anti-stress’ mineral. 

Magnesium plays a significant role in our overall health and is a ‘strategic ally’ for ladies wellbeing: it not only helps us with body temperature regulation but it has also many positive effects on the circulation, including relaxing blood vessels to lower high blood pressure. It helps to prevent the risk of heart attack and stroke and protects against diabetes, too. Research has also found that magnesium may help with brain functions that reduce stress and anxiety and it is needed to regulate the flow of calcium in and out of bones, which is important for the prevention of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women. However, according to the World Health Organization, it is the mineral we’re all most deficient in and 80% of us simply don’t consume it enough. 

Which types of Magnesium is the best?

There are many different forms of magnesium supplements. They typically come in tablet or capsule form. There are also powders, liquids, and gummies available if you have trouble swallowing pills. Sprays are also available for topical use. Here are the most popular ones.

Magnesium Citrate: to improve your digestion

It is a great option for people with constipation, as it can have a gentle laxative effect. Magnesium citrate may also be recommended for migraine prevention.

Magnesium Glycinate: to improve sleep

It can be used for relaxation, increased sleep quality, and stress relief. Additionally, it has strong anti-inflammatory benefits. We may use magnesium glycinate to improve blood sugar levels or to help reduce overall inflammation in the body.

Magnesium oxide: to treat migraines

Research has shown that magnesium oxide decreases pain-transmitting chemicals in the brain and prevents the narrowing of brain blood vessels caused by the neurotransmitter serotonin — both of which lead to migraines. By adding Magnesium Oxide to your diet, you could very well say goodbye to, or at least diminish the frequency of, migraines for good.

As always, check with your doctor before starting any supplements. Your GP will check your magnesium levels to determine which supplement you need and the best dosage for you.

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How to max our magnesium intake

The recommended daily allowance for magnesium is about 270mg a day, which we should be able to get from our diet. But restricting food to lose weight or too many processed foods, which strip out magnesium, can lead to deficiency.

We find magnesium in almost all dark green leafy vegetables, in whole grain cereals and nuts, but some certain foods stand out: – pumpkin, sunflower and sesame seeds – spinach and chard – soybeans – cashews – dark beans – almonds – salmon, tuna – cocoa, molasses. In fruits, most magnesium is contained in figs, bananas, papaya and grapefruit.

However, we should eat at least 400 grams of soybeans or lentils or 500 grams of spinach, or one and a half cups of dark chocolate, or 100 grams of nuts, to get the full daily amount of magnesium. Therefore, in the summer, it is useful to evaluate whether we get enough magnesium in our daily diet and whether it is necessary to consume it supplementally.

The Power Of Epsom Salt

One of the ways to boost your magnesium levels is to soak in Epsom salt, which is actually magnesium sulfate. While no clinical trials have confirmed the benefits of this ritual, many doctors promote it for its ease of use, reasonable price and minimally invasive delivery.

Epsom salt has been used for centuries for its many healing properties – said the expert in women’s health, weight loss and nutrition Dr Tasneem Bhatia (Dr Taz), author of Super Woman RX – The magnesium and sulfate play a key role in reducing inflammation, flushing out toxins, and helping progress the absorption of nutrients. Magnesium is a foundational micronutrient for the hormone pathways. As a result, magnesium deficiency could be a contributor to many common women’s health conditions, including hormonal migraines. Add in magnesium, and hormones start moving down the right pathway, playing a clear role in solving these hormonal imbalances.

Put 300 grams of Epsom salt into a bathtub filled with hot water. In just 15 minutes, you will start to experience the mental and physical benefits of magnesium especially after a long day out in the sun. It’s the best way to ease sore muscles and muscle cramps.

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