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What’s In The Stars? Your October 2022 Horoscope Is Here

5 min read

Welcome to October! This month starts off with some cosmic blessings: a positive astrological asset, formed by Mars, Mercury, Venus, Saturn and the Sun suggests a period full of opportunities for many of you, midlife women.

Loving energy, new business projects and money flow freely throughout October, for those ones who dare.

However, all of you need to rely on your own resources to make the most of this vibrant energy. In the coming weeks, why don’t you improve your look, take better care of your health, and then delve deeply into a competitive sport? You won’t be disappointed.

Let’s walk through the portal of the unknown and find out what the stars have in store for us this October.

♈ Aries (March 21-April 20)

It’s time to put pride aside and then act with greater confidence. Uncertainty and fear aren’t your things, so if you feel unsettled it’s because of the influence of the Sun, Mercury and Venus in the opposite sign of Libra. Don’t worry: it’s just another extremely busy period that will end very soon. Eventually, all those situations that have slowed you down will stop and you will return to full speed, filling your daily life with positive energy. You’ve got to have faith in yourself and in the Stars: you will soon reap your desired fruits.

♉ Taurus (April 21-May 20)

It’s time to follow a new path. Uranus pushes you towards new opportunities, new knowledge and greater insight into your life. You can’t ignore this, even though, at times, it won’t be easy for you to accept the circumstances that will soon surround your daily life. The Stars indicate new professional chances, new love encounters, and the beginning of new collaborations: a mélange of situations that makes this period truly special and lucky. Manage your expectations, weigh your choices and mind your spending. When in doubt, it’s better to invest in personal introspection and pondering your love life.

♊ Gemini (May 21-June 21) 

The Stars offer you new opportunities, get ready to fully embrace a great time. The alignment of the planets indicates several new adventures: each of them will help you to improve your life in various ways. Venus will boost romantic matters, Mercury will give you an unexpected income, Mars will help you better balance your energy and the Sun will offer you a chance to climb the career ladder. There’s success in all your fields. Lucky day: the 13th of October.

Cancer (22 June-22 July) 

Your tendency to complain and cry on won’t help you to solve your problems. The Sky continues to test you, particularly if you are born in the third decade of the sign, due to Pluto’s influence, but in the end, remember that you are the architect of your successes or failures. Expect some delays at work, some unforeseen expenses, and possibly a problem with your partner. Luckily, starting from October 23rd, this situation will change radically thanks to the Sun. After twelve months, this planet will finally arrive in the friendly sign of Scorpio. This means a great help from the Stars to get your life back in your hands and make up for any lost time.

♌ Leo (23 July-23 August) 

It’s still a difficult period for you, Leo: Saturn is not so benevolent towards you this month. You have to rely on your strength and knowledge to cope with problems that may arise at work, love or life in general. Financial matters may cause you some headaches, and you’ll be feeling like you’ve lost control of your budget yet again. Get ready to slow down and reprioritize your rest and health. There is light at the end of this tunnel.

♍ Virgo (24 August-22 September) 

What has gone unaddressed for far too long? You need to figure it out fairly sharply and get your life in order. Neptune is not by your side this month and it may make you feel unsettled for a while both in love and in the professional field. You’re putting in a lot of effort at work, and in the way, you present yourself to the world. It’s better to look after your own overall well-being and It’s time for a reboot. You will get through this in the end.

SEE ALSO:  Back To Work: How To Explain A Gap In Your Resume When Over 40  

♎ Libra (September 23-October 22)

You are the luckiest sign of the month. The Sun comes back to visit you after twelve months offering you some new emotions. Mercury boosts your finances through a new and unexpected important collaboration. Venus, on the other hand, pushes her foot on the accelerator to give you a boost; the arrival of a new love, a marriage or a chance to move in with your partner is on the cards. Mars expects you to work out a bit more: challenge yourself with a new sport, better if it’s a competitive one. Lucky day: the 13th of October.

♏ Scorpio (23 October-22 November)

Saturn has forced you to slow down in the past, but finally, a clear recovery in all areas of life is coming. The arrival of the Sun in your sign indicates a long-awaited professional success, a passionate love encounter, and most importantly the fulfilment of an unexpected project. You’ll finally reap your desired rewards. This is a fabulous time for a makeover or to refocus on your personal ambitions and goals. Where do you want to be in a year from now?

♐ Sagittarius (23 November – 21 December)

Starting over can make you feel vulnerable. A piece of the puzzle is missing and confrontations can lead to more confusion. Do yourself a favour and pause before chasing down a solution. In the coming weeks, be wise and cautious when managing your finances, you are at risk of spending a little too much this month. Focusing on your friendships and embracing social settings will bring more luck your way but be careful: it’s better not to confide your most personal facts to someone. You might experience some issues with your partner too, but don’t worry: starting from the 27th of October, the Moon in Sagittarius will help you solve any problems.

♑Capricorn (22 December – 20 January)

It is not an easy month for you, Capricorn. The presence of multiple planets in the sign of Libra tends to affect the near future. In the next few weeks, pay particular attention to your finances as you may not be able to keep the commitments you’ve made. You may also find yourself clashing with an authority figure or a collaborator: this is not the right time to clarify your position. By managing your emotions and impulsiveness you might improve your relationships. However, don’t worry: you’re experiencing a reawakening and deeper understanding of yourself by the end of the month.

♒ Aquarius (January 21-February 19) 

What a great month to achieve your goals! Your creativity is flowing freely and leading you to new ideas, more money and potential projects. Expect a lovely trip, a passionate encounter or an unexpected meeting that will really change your life. You may be starting a new hobby, sport or studying a new subject. Either way, you know that wisdom and clarity come when you absorb new life experiences. However, don’t let your non-conformist character make you lose the right direction along the way. Lucky day: the 13th of October.

♓ Pisces (February 20-March 20)

There may be some tough times ahead for you, Pisces. Neptune indicates confusion and disappointment: don’t let these bitter feelings ruin your special journey. This unsettled situation, however, shouldn’t let you neglect your overall well-being. A huge perspective shift may be on the way, but you need to prioritize your health now. Try a new sport, follow a new diet or start practising yoga. The Stars won’t abandon you: the 17th of October is your lucky day. It’s time for you to stand up for your needs.

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About The Author

Vincenzo Laganà | Astrologer

Vincenzo Laganà | Astrologer

Vincenzo Laganà is one of the top Italian astrologers, who graduated in Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Crystal Therapy and Reiki. Passionate about helping others achieve greater insight and awareness, he has studied with Ettore Bilinski and Ciro Discepolo and has been inspired by the work of French astrologer Andrè Barbault of Volguoine, as well as Dane Rudhyar and Jung. His horoscope columns have appeared in the main newspapers, magazines and online publications

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