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What’s In The Stars? Your November 2022 Horoscope Is Here

5 min read

Welcome to November, midlife bloomers! This month finds Jupiter fully supporting and empowering water signs. Yes, it’s your time to flourish dear Scorpio, Pisces and Cancer. Will you be able to use your special antennae to perceive all those subtle energies in the air?

The Sun is also there for you, with its special influence, to boost your mood with positive energy and a touch of magic. Healing and romantic vibes are in the air and you will finally break free from the past and get ready to embrace endless possibilities. Whether it’s love, money or health, this is the right month to make your dreams true.

Let’s find out what the stars have in store for the other signs this month.

♈  Aries (March 21-April 20)

Autumn might make you feel the need to slow down but there aren’t any chances to rest, dear Aries. This is a massive transformative period for you: dare to be bold and enterprising because this is the right time to get what you want. Whether you expect some novelty in your professional or private life, you will definitely recover from the time lost in the past. News about money or security may arrive. Expect excellent business results, great health and passionate encounters. Powerful, emotional bonds are on your way. It’s an exciting time to explore your fantasies and spiritual connections. Family news will keep you busier than usual.

♉  Taurus (April 21-May 20)

You need more strength this month to carry out your projects and goals as you might face some topsy-turvy situations that may make you slow down. What you need is more self-control to keep your bad mood at bay. Put your pride aside, act with greater tolerance, and be more available to your loved ones. Even your professional life could be affected by some hiccups. Don’t underestimate some new opportunities that, instead, could help you out. Look after yourself, the cold season might catch up with you regarding colds and flu.

♊  Gemini (May 21-June 21)

It looks like this month you’ll be living on a roller coaster: you are insatiable, curious, and unsettled and that’s because of Mars that pushes you to exaggerate in every aspect of your everyday life; the risk is that you won’t be able to keep your commitments. Maybe is it the right time for a moment of introspection? Better to get busy practising more sports so you can release your emotional baggage. In love, if you are looking for a soul mate, expect new encounters. On the other hand, long-standing couples will experience a renovated passion under the sheets and some news related to a house. Avoid spending too much, this month you might be too much adventurous with your money.

♋  Cancer (June 22-July 22)

Sun, Mercury, Venus and Jupiter are all by your side. Expect excellent results in every area of your life. If you are looking for a soul mate, there is no shortage of opportunities: this is a romantic and creatively inspired time. A romantic connection heats up, or perhaps someone in your network shares their desire to invest in you or your business. From a financial point of view, good negotiations and new agreements will have a positive outcome. It’s time to improve your look and be more open with people and friends by creating more space for you to strengthen connections within your social circle. Look after yourself and you’ll be in great health.

♌  Leo (July 23-August 23)

You feel the need for a change, especially from a professional point of you. Don’t worry, it’s just a difficult moment that will soon end. The return of Jupiter in your sign will help you to sort things out, especially those that are currently a little bit more complicated. This is not the right time to invest money or adventure into new projects. It’s better to focus your attention on yourself: read a book, change your look, play sports, and learn new things. This is a powerful time to connect with your inner voice.

♍  Virgo (August 24-September 22)

Neptune requires you to pay more attention to your well-being and lifestyle as the month starts off with some twists and turns. You are very sensitive to cold weather so don’t waste your energy and look after your health. You might experience some tension in your work life with a long-time colleague as well as some disappointment from a friend: do not worry, it will be soon clarified. Your work-life balance might feel a little overwhelming at the moment, take it as an opportunity to advocate for yourself. Beware of unexpected crazy expenses.

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♎  Libra (September 23-October 22)

Mars is supporting you these days, bringing in some novelty in both private and professional life. The planet could also give you a push to change something stagnant with your partner. Avoid risky choices, meditate before acting, and count to ten before responding to avoid unnecessary clashes with your better half. This is not the right time to invest money or make long-term deals. Lean on your support network and trust in your own personal transformation. You deserve to physically nourish your body–your mind and soul will thank you for it

♏  Scorpio (23 October-22 November)

It’s an excellent time of the year for you Scorpio. Finally, it’s your season, and your magnetism is impossible to ignore. Count on the support of Mercury, you are ready for new experiences. Dare to be different! You’re feeling more romantic than usual and if you’re single, this could be the time to get back in the dating scene. For long-standing couples, expect an increase in passion. Excellent results with money and in your professional life: a positive period for signing a contract or making an investment. If you’ve been waiting on news of a promotion or raise, it may be on its way to you. You’re redefining what comfort looks like for you in all aspects of your life. You will be in great form.

♐  Sagittarius (November 23-December 21)

It’s going to be a great time ahead, Sagittarius. The stars have a lot of surprises in store for you. The arrival of the Sun in the sign brings to light a lot of positive news: a strong bond connection with your partner, and chances to highlight your skills in your professional environment. It’s better you find a way to help yourself manage all these positive emotions. Keep your confidence strong and high; it will help you to face unsettled moments. You may feel extra support and love from the universe. Expect the unexpected.

♑. Capricorn (December 22-January 20)

Life’s mysteries are calling you and challenging you. You may be feeling like you’re stuck in your profession and daily choices. Change is possible but you need to have more self-confidence. In love, expect new encounters during an exciting trip: you’re ready to turn up the heat behind closed doors, but away from your home. Looking after your health is a must: you might experience a lack of energy.

♒  Aquarius (January 21-February 19)

You are the most revolutionary sign of the zodiac. Saturn will keep an eye on you to make sure things are under control. Less impulsiveness and more reflection are the greatest indications that come from Saturn. In love, you might have to face useless discussions, while at work it’s better to put aside your pride or one of your colleagues might lose his or her patience. This is the time to spend more quality time with your family and your social circle. Look after yourself. Your body needs a little time to recharge its batteries.

♓  Pisces (February 20-March 20)

What a great time for you. The Sun, Mercury and Venus in the friendly sign of Scorpio, indicate the right path to take. Expect luck and success: you will achieve your desired goals at work, signing new contracts and possibly getting a new source of income. In love, You’re eager to try something new, especially when it comes to passion. Unexpected news, a long-awaited document or information regarding your finances may knock on your door. These are great days to renew your look, to give a new touch to your image. Take long walks, in the midst of nature to re-energize your body and soul.

About The Author

Vincenzo Laganà | Astrologer

Vincenzo Laganà | CrunchyTales

Vincenzo Laganà is one of the top Italian astrologers, who graduated in Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Crystal Therapy and Reiki. Passionate about helping others achieve greater insight and awareness, he has studied with Ettore Bilinski and Ciro Discepolo and has been inspired by the work of French astrologer Andrè Barbault of Volguoine, as well as Dane Rudhyar and Jung. His horoscope columns have appeared in the main newspapers, magazines and online publications

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