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What’s In The Stars? Your May 2022 Horoscope Is Here

5 min read

Welcome to May, one of the most intense months for all of you in 2022. As the planets shift, and eclipses become prominent, quite a few of you may feel as though you are stepping into a whirlwind. 

The month starts out with an energetic shift as Jupiter, the planet of opportunity, enters Aries after twelve years, giving a boost of star power to everyone.

On the 11th of May, an Astral transit begins which gives the first sign of the Zodiac a chance to solve some of the issues left behind and a chance to change some stagnant situations. This cosmic event will also benefit other signs of the Zodiac like Leo and Sagittarius, but it will slow down Libra which will be busy facing some instability in private and professional life.

Here’s what the stars have in store for you this month in more detail.

♈  Aries (March 21-April 20)

Blessed by the influence of Jupiter, you are the luckiest sign of the zodiac. Your magnetism is at an all-time high, and your hard work is finally paying off. This is the right time to invest money, move to a new house, or improve your career. A mélange of emotions makes this month magical: Jupiter may give you an inheritance, a new home, facilitate a professional move and for some of you even help find true love. A marriage or a child is coming your way. Positive days for the conclusion of a contract, the 11th and 12th of May. Top health.

♉  Taurus (April 21-May 20)

A very special birthday for you, thanks to the Sun transiting in your sign. A positive vibe that helps you to make your dreams come true and bring about a project that may be useful for changing your outdated beliefs. Take advantage of the influence of the stars to change your life: whether it’s a job, a home, or your look. Thanks to the influence of the Sun and Uranus – the awakener – you’ll be experiencing such a historical moment with plenty of significant opportunities. Time to invest your money.

♊  Gemini (May 21-June 21)

Mercury will add colour to your days bringing lots of positive possibilities for you, especially for your finances. In the next few weeks, you could look for a new home, change jobs, or get a promotion. It’s time to freshen up your routine. New situations must be fully welcomed: let yourself float in the magical air around you and leave your rationality behind. A new contract could make you happy.

♋  Cancer (June 22-July 22)

Jupiter moves away from your sign. These are important weeks for making life-changing decisions: Pluto asks you to reassess your relationships and your social life. There is no shortage of opportunities here, and this transitory time will help you to achieve the desired goals, however, it may also take you away from your familiar environment. Be ready to make an important choice for your future. Be open to change.

♌  Leo (July 23-August 23)

Finally a clear recovery in all aspects of your life, including love. This is such a positive period for occasional and passionate encounters and professional achievements. While being busy also remember to freshen up your life, and don’t forget to mind your expenses. Saturn may still work against you: take care of your finances and avoid compulsory shopping. Favourable days for a professional move are the 11th and 12th of May. Remember to keep your body moving: you may be in need to lose some extra pounds.

♍  Virgo (August 24-September 22)

Neptune may create some instability in your relationships, but luckily the Sun will be there to give you its full support. This is the time to be more focused on your private life and well-being: change your look and try to improve your beauty routine. Pay attention not to make hasty decisions and be more vigilant with your money: a financial raise could cause you to overdo your expenses.

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♎  Libra (September 23-October 22)

Jupiter may slow down your plans. Whether it’s the realisation of a dream or an investment, this might be not the right time to make a change: count to ten before making hasty decisions. If you want to improve your charisma with people as well as the way you look, you should take better care of yourself this month. In love, the stars suggest surprising your partner to spice up your relationship. Your lucky days are the 20th and 21st of May.

♏  Scorpio (23 October-22 November)

Mars urges you to take control of your life: don’t be afraid of exploring new opportunities and making new agreements. This is the right moment to make up for any lost time and start a new project. Expect luck and success in all fields, but mind your stubbornness as it may cause problems with friends. Be more open to dialogue and less arrogant. Make the most of your great mental and physical wellness and don’t dismiss the opportunity to enjoy an interesting trip. Lucky colour of the month: orange.

♐  Sagittarius (November 23-December 21)

The arrival of Jupiter in the friendly sign of Aries makes you happy and, above all, gives you a kick of energy that was missing for some time. This is the right time for travelling and enjoying the fruits of all your hard work. Sparkling weeks ahead: success, power and luck are coming your way. The arrival of a child, a new home, an early retirement or a new professional position is not excluded. The lucky days for signing a contract are the 11th and 12th of May. Excellent health.

♑. Capricorn (December 22-January 20)

A great time to put your professional and love life back in order. There is something new in the air that will bring you a lot of luck, also this is an excellent time to recover an old credit. A real estate sale, a change of residence and a business trip cannot be excluded. Improve your overall well-being by following a detox diet. A dental appointment is recommended.

♒  Aquarius (January 21-February 19)

You feel in need of changing direction in your life, but Saturn keeps pulling the handbrake. While you’ll be fully in control of your environment, you will notice some problems in achieving the desired goals. Put pride aside and carefully listen to the advice of your family or the people you care about. Sometimes taking some time off to listen to your real needs can help you better understand which side to take in different circumstances. Keep looking after yourself and your wellbeing as a new love is on the way.

♓  Pisces (February 20-March 20)

Expect a financial increase, the success of a project, the arrival of an important document or even a new home. Take the chance to improve your life by being more productive and attentive as some situations may not return. More energy and resourcefulness at work will help you to achieve your goals. Don’t neglect your partner, though. In the coming weeks, it’s better to show your other half more love and commitment. Expect some cash coming your way on May the 11th and 12th. The best days for you to improve your look are the 20th and 21st of May.

About The Author

Vincenzo Laganà | Astrologer

Vincenzo Laganà | Astrologer

Vincenzo Laganà is one of the top Italian astrologers, who graduated in Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Crystal Therapy and Reiki. Passionate about helping others achieve greater insight and awareness, he has studied with Ettore Bilinski and Ciro Discepolo and has been inspired by the work of French astrologer Andrè Barbault of Volguoine, as well as Dane Rudhyar and Jung. His horoscope columns have appeared in the main newspapers, magazines and online publications.

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