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March Horoscope 2022 | CrunchyTales

What’s In The Stars? Your March 2022 Horoscope Is Here

6 min read

Welcome to March, you Crunchy women. It’s going to be a special month and an extremely favourable period for Aries, Leo and Sagittarius thanks to the entry of the Sun into the Sign of Aries which will kick off the Astrological Year.

March starts with great astrological positions that will bring to light the resolution of many common problems: great luck and success in love and money are on the way for many of you. In fact, every time Jupiter enters a Sign, it brings a lot of positive news and the beginning of a better chapter of your life.

Thanks to this Planet joining the Sun, the Sign of Pisces will keep experiencing its magical time; a special astral event that has been missing in this Sign for twelve years. Luck and success are also the greatest indications that come from the stars for Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. 

So, what does March 2022 have in store for the rest of the signs as far as career, love, and life path is concerned? Let’s jump in and find out!

Aries (March 21-April 20) 

What a magic period! In the coming weeks, you will start important collaborations not only at work but also in your private life. The arrival of the Sun in your sign helps you to review your current situation in a radical way, directing the right path to take.

You often play with your impulsiveness as a way to achieve success, however, in the next few weeks, it’s better that you show moderation as the only winning move to help you reach your goal. Be more enterprising and less sedentary, also be prepared for a big change: the arrival of Jupiter in the Sign is the ace in your pocket to achieve what you hope for most.

Taurus (April 21-May 20) 

Put pride aside and be more cautious with your professional collaborations. This is an extremely important and demanding period: the presence of Uranus does not make things easy. Although you are in need of relaxing a bit, in the coming weeks you could be put under stress by the latest events. Don’t be too rigid at work and show more affection in the field of love. Your family may also be affected by your emotional instability. Better to be concentrated on your health by doing physical activity to relieve the emotional baggage. Clear recovery by the end of the month, a ray of sunshine after the storm. Be careful with money.

Gemini (May 21-June 21) 

If it were up to you, everything would be fixed with a magical touch. In reality, your lack of realism does not give you the opportunity to get what you want. In fact, the influence of Saturn from the friendly sign of Aquarius is not giving you the support you need.

Saturn, the planet of strictness and rules, doesn’t bring very pleasant indications for you. By mixing frivolity with serious things, you will risk making mistakes in judgment. However, in the coming weeks, you could positively achieve the social status you longed for. Be more alert and careful in your choices and less naïve. The stars support you along the path but keep in mind that you also have to do your own homework to achieve what you want.

Cancer (June 22-July 22) 

There is a clear improvement in many aspects of your life. The positive support of the Sun creates excellent professional and financial opportunities for you. These are important weeks to make decisions related to work, or for a sale that has given you worries over the months. Do not worry, the support of Jupiter makes things work out, especially the ones that are most important to you, in the best possible way. In love, occasional encounters and new acquaintances are not excluded. Mind your crazy expenses regarding a car or a house. There’s news in the family.

Leo (July 23-August 23)

There’s a lot of success coming your way. While experiencing the opposition of Saturn from the opposite sign of Aquarius, this period is very enterprising and full of novelties. For some of you, it’s the beginning of a new profession, for others, a great time from a financial point of view, thanks to an unexpected raise. The support of the Sun enriches your daily life through the abundance of love, improving your relationship with your family as well. Regarding your health, pay attention to what you eat: it’s time to go on a diet. Do not overdo it regarding smoking and alcohol.

Virgo (August 24-September 22) 

The planet Jupiter tends to be hostile to you, fortunately, this planetary aspect has a limited time. In the following weeks, pay more attention to your job: there is a chance some professional relationships may become unstable. This is not the right time to take the bull by the horns when dealing with your superiors or colleagues. Put your fighting spirit aside, count to ten before you act. Keep calm and let this unstable moment pass: by doing so, you will avoid unnecessary arguments. Regarding love, you will experience some misunderstandings with the family. However, don’t worry: there’s a better time coming in from March the 24th: bringing in more self-confidence and a better overall balance.

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Libra (September 23-October 22)

You’re living a time of transition where the most important things are taking time to happen. Saturn gives you the right support to achieve your desired goals; calmness and thoughtfulness are your winning cards. In love, the partner could be affected by your estrangement, better to look after him/her and avoid a clash. March is the right month to change your look and dedicate more time to your body by toning up and losing excess weight. This is the right month if you want to attract new encounters and meet new friends.

Scorpio (23 October-22 November) 

Such an extremely favourable period for you to move home, change your job or find a new partner: a mélange of emotions that will make your life very sparkling. In the next few weeks, you could start a new professional project and meet new people who might help you realize a dream. You are in such a historical period of your life in which Saturn makes you stable and strong from one side, while Jupiter makes all things easy for you from another. This exciting period will allow you to see things from a different perspective. Your relationships will be fully guarded and your social life will be very lively. Every aspect of your life is under control, just as you like it.

Sagittarius (November 23-December 21)

The arrival of spring ignites the desire to do more things. This is the right time for you to change those situations you don’t like anymore. Don’t hesitate to do that as you are in a period where the Sun will support you and where Jupiter will give you what you need to make your dreams come true. March is a special month for the realization of a professional or financial project, as well as being good for love. One success after another one will take you to the podium as you will be able to achieve many personal goals. Good health, a great time for practising those sports you love most.

Capricorn (December 22-January 20) 

It’s time to reap those desired rewards and be less sedentary. These are useful weeks to make up for your lost time and to give a new positive turn to your life. Whatever field you decide to channel your energies in, the important thing is to take action to get what is best for you. For some, it might be the arrival of new love, for others, a change of residence, a new home, a trip, or a car. So many opportunities that will make you truly happy. Be more vigilant with your finances and business negotiations. Excellent self-control and good vibes within the family.

Aquarius (January 21-February 19) 

Venus and Mars are the architects of the upcoming news. For each of you, the opportunities are truly plentiful. In love, for example, a real estate change could renew the connection with a partner or a new sentimental encounter might ignite your fantasies. If you are looking for a soul mate, get ready to live the dream you were hoping for. Colour your days by renovating your look, practising sports as well as training your mind to improve your lifestyle. Above all, leave room for your nonconformist personality, one of a kind.

Pisces (February 20-March 20) 

Your lucky period continues. The joining of Jupiter to your Sun adds excitement to your unconventional ways, adding more value to your life. You are in a period where everything can be experienced with greater interest and intensity, depending on your personal situation. What’s true is that you are the most favourable sign of the Zodiac so that you can change jobs, buy a house, renew your life, fall in love, change cities, start a new professional collaboration very easily. Everything you hope to achieve is within reach with a bit of luck. The support of your family could help you with an old relationship. If you have children, they might experience excellent success. Great health.

About The Author

Vicenzo Laganà | Astrologer

Vincenzo Laganà | CrunchyTales

Vincenzo Laganà is one of the top Italian astrologers, who graduated in Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Crystal Therapy and Reiki. Passionate about helping others achieve greater insight and awareness, he has studied with Ettore Bilinski and Ciro Discepolo and has been inspired by the work of French astrologer Andrè Barbault of Volguoine, as well as Dane Rudhyar and Jung. His horoscope columns have appeared in the main newspapers, magazines and online publications.

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