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June 2022 Horoscope | CrunchyTales

What’s In The Stars? Your June 2022 Horoscope Is Here

5 min read

Summer is in the air and it’s time to enjoy life to the fullest. This month, new ideas and passions will finally get off the ground thanks to the friendly planets of Mars and Jupiter. They are both competing with each other to bring many of us special moments of glory and success. Mercury, the planet that rules over communication, adds new excitement to our days too, in some cases indicating new life paths to embrace.

Find out what the stars have in store for your sign this month.

♈  Aries (March 21-April 20)

You are getting ready for a summer full of news and excitement. A magical moment for love, especially for those ones hoping for marriage, a child or simply a chance to move in together. These are also good weeks to make long-term decisions which will have a positive impact on the next twelve years. Do not hesitate to have daydreams, because the stars will help you achieve them all. A great month of building toward your future.

♉  Taurus (April 21-May 20)

Mercury and Venus are definitely by your side. Their support will allow you to go beyond your expectations. In love, you may find yourself with your head in the clouds, enjoying a deep and renewed excitement with your partner. On the other hand, Mercury helps your finances ensuring great investments and professional success. Your social life is improving as well as your health. Work out a bit more to tone up your muscles and spend time on a new hobby. The best day to start a new project is the 15th of June.

♊  Gemini (May 21-June 21)

Your dreams finally come true but you need to be a bit more tenacious to see results in certain aspects of your life. Over the next few weeks, you may enjoy a trip with a friend that gives you the opportunity to make up for any lost time. The career energy is strong for you this month and it’s a great time to make new connections. The Sun will help you improve your relationship with your boss or a professional partner. Clear everything in your way as you start this new birth year.

♋  Cancer (June 22-July 22)

An extremely favourable period is approaching for you. Are you ready to put your pride aside? If you keep showing resistance to obstacles in your way you might compromise the final result. It’s your moody temper that tends to compromise your ability to succeed. Be more understanding and less pessimistic, more enterprising and less sedentary. Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there: new lucky chances are coming up soon.

♌  Leo (July 23-August 23)

Mars supports your everyday challenges, especially the ones related to your profession. These are great days to add a new touch to your life: you may move into a new house, invest money or simply make the most of everything you do as the sky is all in your favour. In love, you can count on the blessings of the stars, too. Many of you will experience the thrill of new encounters or even a marriage. This is also the right time to enjoy life as you may count on a bit of extra cash in your pockets. Lucky days: 22-23-24 June.

♍  Virgo (August 24-September 22)

Venus finally supports you in any practical matters. Don’t underestimate this lucky period; the influence of the stars is great in all fields. In love, you’ll experience amazing success thanks to your flirtatious approach. Make the most of this positive month to improve your look. New professional opportunities are also coming your way quite soon. Expect some positive chances coming from abroad to help you make progress. Pay attention to your health. The 17th of June, may not be your brightest day.

♎  Libra (September 23-October 22)

The planet Mercury and the Sun are definitely your allies for this month. An extremely favourable but challenging period for your profession is approaching. Mercury will support you along the way, bringing to light excellent business negotiations and a long-awaited financial reward. Be more enterprising and less sedentary so as not to waste precious time. Expect luck and success in love: you’ll be feeling a desire to connect more deeply and intimately. If you are looking for your soul mate, chances are you’ll meet the one, but you can also get some long-awaited news: a child is coming your way. Excellent time to spruce up your look and enjoy an exciting trip with your partner.

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♏  Scorpio (23 October-22 November)

Venus in opposition makes things a little difficult; these are extremely demanding weeks, do not lose sight of the commitments you’ve made but, on the other hand, do not look for clashes in your profession as the risk could be high for you. In love, some misunderstandings can make this period extremely heavy and conflictual, better to postpone any clarifications with the partner to another date. Take better care of your body, a healthy diet is a must. Consider changing your look.

♐  Sagittarius (November 23-December 21)

Jupiter, your ally, helps you complete what’s most important for you. Have the confidence to do what you really want. This is the best time to plan your future. Do not hesitate to have daydreams, as the stars are there to support you. For some of you, an inheritance cannot be excluded. Great vibes in the family as the influence of Jupiter makes everything smoother. Top health.

♑. Capricorn (December 22-January 20)

You’re probably feeling like you’re finding your groove in communicating with your partner. Take advantage of this energy while it lasts. The support of the friendly planet of Venus helps you improve your relationships and includes some exciting news on your way: whether a marriage, the arrival of a child or a new home. Finances are in excellent health, new contracts and new collaborations will help you forge new links abroad. This is the right time to change your look: get rid of whatever is no longer driving you forward.

♒  Aquarius (January 21-February 19)

Welcome to June, Aquarius! The arrival of the Sun in the friendly sign of Gemini brings magical news to those of you waiting for love: get ready to experience an unexpected, exciting encounter. However, if you are already in a steady relationship, you may need to pay more attention to your partner. Don’t take them for granted. Great month for your finances, too: they will grow and stay strong thanks to a real estate investment or a sale. It’s time to follow your curiosity and prioritize play and pleasure. Indulging in activities that bring you joy—whether that’s through creative outlets or trying something new—will reignite your spirit.

♓  Pisces (February 20-March 20)

This is not an easy time for you, Pisces. Jupiter has left your sign making you feel a bit insecure. We know you are used to organising your life in the best possible way, but don’t worry it’s just a moment, your planet will be back soon guaranteeing you success in all fields. Your attention should now turn towards your home and family, you may feel in need of spending more time with loved ones. There are some challenging weeks ahead at work, and some discussions with your boss or partners cannot be excluded. It’s time to carve out time for your health and well being, you need to renovate your energy and spark.

About The Author

Vincenzo Laganà | Astrologer

Vincenzo Laganà | Astrologer

Vincenzo Laganà is one of the top Italian astrologers, who graduated in Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Crystal Therapy and Reiki. Passionate about helping others achieve greater insight and awareness, he has studied with Ettore Bilinski and Ciro Discepolo and has been inspired by the work of French astrologer Andrè Barbault of Volguoine, as well as Dane Rudhyar and Jung. His horoscope columns have appeared in the main newspapers, magazines and online publications

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