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The Power of Perspective: Learning to See with New Eyes

3 min read

A few years ago, I went through a phase where everything felt like a struggle. I was constantly frustrated—by work, by relationships, even by small inconveniences like traffic or a rainy day. It felt as though the world was against me.

One day, a good and very wise friend of mine said something that stuck with me: Your mind is like a garden, and your perspective is the soil. What are you growing? That question changed everything. It made me realize that my unhappiness wasn’t coming from my circumstances but from the way I was choosing to see them.

As a woman over 50, I’ve come to understand that midlife brings an entirely new perspective on everything—our past choices, our relationships, and even the way we see ourselves. For many midlife women, this stage can feel overwhelming, as if we are standing at a crossroads between who we were and who we are becoming. But I’ve learned that perspective is a powerful tool in shaping how we experience this phase of life.

3 Actionable Steps to Gain Perspective in Midlife

Determined to shift my mindset, I started a simple habit each morning: a perspective diary. Instead of dwelling on my problems, I would write down three different ways to interpret a situation that was bothering me.

For example, if a friend canceled plans, I could assume they didn’t value our friendship, or I could see it as an unexpected opportunity to enjoy some alone time, or even as a reminder to check in and see if they were okay. This practice helped me recognize how my initial reactions were often the least helpful interpretations, and it gave me the power to choose a healthier outlook.

I also began practicing what I called changing lenses. During a particularly stressful time (midlife has a way of testing our resilience!), I started asking myself, “How would my friend see this?” When my project faced delays, my first instinct was frustration and self-doubt. But I imagined how she would approach it—not as a failure, but as a chance to refine the process and learn. Over time, this exercise shifted the way I handled challenges, making me more resilient and solution-oriented.

Even with these changes, I still found myself falling into negative thought loops, particularly when it came to aging. There is so much pressure on women over 50 to either fight the aging process or feel invisible, and it’s easy to let those messages take hold. To break free from those thoughts, I created a simple reset ritual.

Whenever I caught myself spiraling, I would take three deep breaths, acknowledge my current thought, and consciously reframe it. Instead of thinking, I’m getting older, and my best years are behind me, I would remind myself, I am stepping into a phase of life where wisdom, confidence, and experience guide me. This small shift made a world of difference, helping me regain a sense of control over my emotions.

SEE ALSO:  Lessons In MicroMoments

Seeing the World Through New Eyes

Looking back, I realize that life didn’t suddenly become perfect, nor did all my challenges disappear. Also, all of these new little habits took time to establish and truly settle into my daily routine. At first, there were moments of doubt, and the occasional slip-up. But over time, through consistent effort and patience, they began to feel more natural.

However, the way I saw and experienced life underwent a profound transformation. I no longer felt like a victim of my circumstances because I came to understand that I had the power to choose my perspective.

Rather than being defined by setbacks or difficulties, I learned to reframe them as opportunities for growth and self-discovery. This shift in mindset allowed me to find gratitude in the small moments, resilience in adversity, and a deeper sense of purpose in my journey. And that made all the difference.

Midlife is not an ending—it’s a chance to see with new eyes, to rewrite the narrative, and to embrace the life that’s still ahead. As the late Dr. Wayne Dyer, a renowned self-development author said: “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”

This powerful insight reminds us that by shifting our perspective, we can transform our entire experience of life. It’s not the circumstances themselves that determine our happiness or success, but the lens through which we view them. Embracing this shift opens up a world of possibility, allowing us to approach challenges with a sense of empowerment and growth.

Have you ever had a moment when shifting your perspective changed everything? I’d love to hear your experience.

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