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Stuck In A Rut? How Spiritual Electricity Can Jumpstart Your Life | CrunchyTales

Stuck in a Rut? How Spiritual Electricity Can Jumpstart Your Life

3 min read
Have you ever heard of “spiritual electricity“? It’s the creative energy that flows through us when we align with our true purpose—an invisible current that sparks inspiration, clarity, and connection.
I first encountered this concept while reading The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron, and it’s completely reshaped the way I approach creativity and life.

Spiritual electricity isn’t something you can touch or fully understand, but you can feel it. It happens when you let go of fear, doubt, and resistance. It’s about clearing space in your life for the divine to flow through you—whether you’re creating art, nurturing relationships, or simply living authentically.

The Moment I Experienced Spiritual Electricity

This week, I experienced spiritual electricity in my own life. I spent the afternoon cooking a meal for a friend dealing with a recurring health issue. As I stood in the kitchen, chopping vegetables and preparing soup, I put on a favorite album from The 5th Dimension.

The music filled the room, and without thinking, I opened the windows to let in the fresh air. The breeze, the sounds of the song, my own voice singing along to Marilyn McCoo, the rhythm of chopping—it all created a moment of deep flow, almost like a meditation.

My hands were busy preparing food, but my heart was fully engaged in creating something meaningful for my friend. It was a soulful, creative act of empathy—and a perfect example of spiritual electricity at work.

I love times like this when my body, mind, and spirit are in a gentle dance turning outside myself and towards someone else. My hands created food for my friend even as my heart ached for her journey. It was a soul filling afternoon of creativity and empathy creating spiritual electricity. I could feel my inner vinyl record flipping to Side Two unlocking a new soundtrack in my head and heart.

I could have been baking brownies for myself but the universe told me, “make soup for Jocelyn.

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Journaling prompts to fuel your creativity 

Trust Your Spiritual Electricity

Spiritual electricity isn’t just about doing something productive; it’s about connecting deeply to the moment, to others, and to yourself.

Julia Cameron, in The Artist’s Way, encourages us to clear the pathways to this energy by trusting our creative instincts and embracing small, everyday practices like Morning Pages (daily writing) or Artist Dates (solo adventures to nurture creativity). These practices help us tap into that divine current, allowing inspiration to flow freely.

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What happens when we trust this energy? We start to experience synchronicities—meaningful coincidences that guide us on our creative path. We begin to see the world differently, with more curiosity and wonder, and we start making connections with the people and experiences we need in our lives.

For me, that day in the kitchen was a perfect example. It wasn’t just about making a meal. It was about being present in that moment, sharing love and creativity with a friend, and feeling that energy of connection.

Embracing Your Spiritual Side

Embracing your spiritual side requires recognizing these spiritual moments—like me in my kitchen. Your spiritual side creates some of the most beautiful words in the English language—consider it as a playlist for your day:

If you’re feeling stuck in your own life, I encourage you to invite this spiritual electricity in. Start by saying “yes” to the creative moments around you. Create opportunities to liven your senses and they will in turn enliven you.

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Opening Up to New Opportunities

Open your heart to new opportunities, and trust that inspiration will follow. Whether it’s picking up a paintbrush, volunteering for a cause you care about, or simply being kind to someone in need, you’re clearing the space for that divine energy to flow through you.

Just like my old record player, life doesn’t have to be stuck on repeat. You have the power to flip the record to the next side, unlocking new rhythms, ideas, and possibilities. 

What would happen if you let that electricity flow freely in your life? Watch out world—she’s coming in hot!

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About The Author

Becky Blue | Spiritual Soul Sister


Becky Blue is the author of Turning: The Magic and Mystery of More Days. She is a writer, retired geriatric nurse, and is passionate about changing the culture of aging. A TEDx speaker and entertaining and inspiring keynote, Becky uses personal stories and scientific research to explore the opportunities that a long view of life can hold. Becky’s message is timeless: “There is no expiration date on living a life of health, impact, and wonder.”

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