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My Big, Fat, Midlife Wedding Cake

3 min read

When it comes to weddings, many people choose to tie the knot later in life. This might be because they never met the right person in their younger years or that they were simply happy being single. The reality is, love is unpredictable and as a result, there’s no set age in which a couple should wed.

When you are in your 50s, planning a wedding should be about having the day of your choice, not the day the wedding planners say it should be. Whether you want to celebrate it in a little church or on the beach, it’s your choice. What we know for sure, a wedding cake should still be a central element of the feast.

Although not required by any civil or religious law, the presence of a cake, of a very specific form and character, is virtually universal on such occasions. The cake is present not only to be eaten but also, and more importantly, to be viewed, and to serve as a focus for well-scripted rituals that signify the nature and purpose of the occasion. The cake thus conveys layers of interconnected meaning of more or less increasing significance: food, art, ceremony, and participation.

Yes, cake is, of course, an edible confection, and a decorated or sculpted cake is clearly recognizable as art. This year is all about texture, colour, handmade elements and details. From geometric shape sweet towers to botanical cakes, these are the styles that should be on your radar if you get married in 2019.

Painted cakes and monograms

Paintwork and whimsical illustrative effects are top-of-mind for couples this year: from florals and writing to modern splashes and watercolour looks. Personalised handwritten monograms or messages are also very popular because they make cakes more bespoke. Put your stencils and onlays down and pick up an edible marker to create a cake that is both especially unique and personal.

Geometric marble designs

Unconventional cake shapes is an emerging trend in the wedding industry. Sharp angels are complemented with bold marbled colours. Adding geometric details (triangles and hexagons on your cake with icing, fondant or food colouring) keep marbles cakes modern and chic. Yes, Geometric patterns and textures are shaping up to be the most popular trend of the year. Designs are simple but can look very sculptural and dynamic.

Botanicals confections

Florals, foliage and woodland-themed cakes decorated with lots of leafy foliage and texture, incorporating succulents mad from sugar paste, are on the rise. Think striking fern leaves, eucalyptus sprigs and even fragrant herbs like rosemary, curled parsley, basil and dill, an interesting addition to a semi-naked or buttercream cake. Foliage makes an amazing addition to naked wedding cakes, but also make a terrific finishing touch to even the most glamorous fondant designs.

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Circle or hoop cakes

Cakes featuring circles or hoops are also a big trend for 2019. Sugar flower hoops are a great way of adorning your cake with beautifully intricate flowers and foliage, adding an additional layer of design and interest. The use of a hoop (combined with the use of bright colours and a subtle ombre effect) brings the eye to a central focal point, adding a real wow-factor to the cake. It also reflects the symbol of the wedding ring. Keeping your cake simple lets your floral hoop shine.

Copper details

Copper’s rosy colour elicits a more industrial feel compared to other metallic tones, such as gold and silver, making it ideal for trendsetting couples. A lovely warm metallic that can be used for a block colour of a whole tier or as added detail. If you don’t like the look of bold, shimmering tiers, you can always use a copper-toned drip and icing designs or display it on a copper tray or cake stand.

Feeling a bit lost in your fondant? These books might help.

The Gilded Cake: The golden rules of cake decorating for metallic cakes by Faye Cahill (SewandSo Publishing)

Faye has been a professional cake decorator for over 20 years. Based in Sydney, she is a wedding specialist and was named wedding cake decorator of the year for 2015 at the international Cake Masters awards. She was also awarded Wedding cake decorator of the year for 2017 by The Australian Cake Decorating Network. In this books she explores all the different materials available to the modern cake decorator, from gold leaf to edible paint, food-grade sprays, edible glitters, lustre dusts, edible sequins and more, then shows you in step-by-step detail the techniques you need for success. Twelve stunning gilded cake projects follow, showing you how to put your newfound skills to use on creative cake designs, each with an accompanying smaller project that is perfect for beginners to tackle before attempting the larger cake.

Designer Cake Decorating: Recipes and Step-by-step Techniques from Top Wedding Cake Makers (B. Dutton Publishing)

Written by 12 leading cake makers, this book showcases a contemporary collection of 25 show-stopping tiered cakes for all kinds of special occasions. The breadth and depth of techniques the designers cover in this book is stunning; you will find step-by-step instructions for more than 50 different sugar flowers alone, combined with contemporary design ideas. Each cake design also comes with a timeline so you can plan everything to perfection.




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