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We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing (George Bernard Shaw).


Ditch the dictionary definition of “over 50” and unleash your inner fire with We’re more than a magazine, we’re the ultimate playground for sassy women who laugh in the face of a midlife crisis, we’re a vibrant community where getting older is just getting started!

Are you ready to:

  • Rock a life that’s bursting with flavour? (Ditch the bland!)
  • Embrace every laugh line with confidence? (Because they’re awesome!)
  • Discover the secrets to playful ageing? (Hint: it starts with YOU!)

Join us as we redefine ageing and discover the joy and beauty that awaits us on this transformative path.

Sign up for our ‘crunchy’ updates, unlock the secrets to a life that’s more exciting than ever and download your Free Pocket Guide on

“How to Age Playfully”

Essential action steps for every modern lady

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