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It Takes Faith to Bloom Late: A Midlife Reinvention

3 min read

Life doesn’t have to slow down at midlife—in fact, it can blossom into an exhilarating second act filled with reinvention, change, and accomplishments, but we need to take that leap of faith.

After nearly 20 years of marriage, I made the bold decision to leave at age 44 and move to the West Coast of the United States. I didn’t know exactly what was waiting for me out there, but I knew it was time to break free and chart my own path.

This move marked the beginning of an extraordinary chapter of personal growth and professional evolution.

A Midlife Reinvention

One year later, I entered a new industry, leaving behind the comfort of familiarity for the challenge of starting fresh but yet, another major move awaited for me. I moved back to the East Coast at 50 to pursue graduate school. It wasn’t easy being a student again at that age, but it was invigorating. My commitment to education paid off, paving the way for a series of managerial roles.

Defying the common perception that finding meaningful work past 50 is challenging, I was able to secure employment and thrive—rising to managerial roles in four different supervisory positions across two distinct industries. Every position taught me something new about leadership, resilience, and the power of adaptability.

I learned that it’s never too late to climb a ladder you once thought was out of reach, as well as reinvent yourself in midlife or explore new avenues.

Feeling better about myself physically, mentally and emotionally, I then began studying Japanese, launched a fitness business, published my first book and kept travelling alone internationally as a lesson in independence, courage, and the beauty of the unknown.

How Did It All Happen?

I believe my midlife revolution comes down to mindset. I chose not to see my age as a limitation. Instead, I treated every year as a new opportunity. I said ‘yes’ to things that scared me, embraced change even when it felt uncomfortable, and allowed myself to be a beginner again and again.

Some of these events happened because of what I call “unintended consequences.”

For instance, when I moved cross-country the first time, I found out that jobs in my profession were not as plentiful as I had expected.  That led me to a new profession in a new industry, ultimately resulting in a very fulfilling 20-year career in which I became a manager, created my own successful business and published my book.

In my middle age and even now, I felt motivated, almost compelled to see what was possible for me. Was it easy to make all these changes? In general, no. Some of my desires were very challenging to endure and get through and a few of the unintended consequences were jolting.

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Some folks might call me a “late-bloomer”.  Well, I believe it’s better late than never bloom at all.

What about you? Do you think it’s too late to be who you want to be because of the number of years you’ve lived on this earth?

Well, I’m here to tell you otherwise.  YOU can change. I’m sharing my story so you know change is possible. Your chronological age does not limit your ability to change.

Never too late to embrace change

In many ways my “second act” has given me much more happiness and contentment than my “first act”.

I learned so much about myself.  I discovered skills and abilities I didn’t know I had (hello, business savvy). I know myself better now and value myself more.  I honor my curiosity and act on my passions.  I’m discerning about how I use my energy. I stay connected with people because I want to, not because I have to.

I trust myself and have a wealth of experiences to draw on.

All my false starts, abject failures, wonderful successes and everything in between contributed to increased wisdom and calmness that was unknown in my earlier years.

It’s probably because I’m aware of the fact I have less years ahead of me than behind me, but still this motivates me to take more risks and see what’s possible. What’s possible for you?

Your changes will be different than mine.  You are a unique human being and you make the decision what to pursue. Know that acting on your desire is the beginning of change itself. Take that first tiny step.  A dream becomes reality by action.

And you’re so worth it.

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About The Author

Laura Dow

Laura Dow is the creator of Stiff To Fit, a woman owned business helping older adults stay active as they age. She is also the author of “Mind Your Movement: Six Essential Physical and Mental Tools To Stay Active As You Age”. In her personal life, Laura loves to work out, read, travel as well as enjoy a cup of green tea. She lives in Northern Virginia.

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