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Botox Or Notox? Why I've Embraced The Needle-Free Way | CrunchyTales

Botox or Notox? Why I’ve Embraced The Needle-Free Way

4 min read

Have you noticed that more and more women over 50 are ditching wrinkle-relaxing injections? The ultimate goal is not just to look young but to appear healthy and feel good in our own skin.

While Botox still remains a popular choice, there’s been a noticeable increase in the demand for needle-free treatments that might offer long-term benefits avoiding the typical emotionless face effect. Enter Notox.

From Botox To Notox

I recently read Hannah Summerhill’s article in Elle regarding Botox alternatives and completely agree with her point: “Though I may be without Botox, I am not without vanity. I care massively about how my face looks as it moves.

Having abstained from Botox for a while, she embraced Notox and looked at different treatments to boost collagen production like ultrasound, radiofrequency, microcurrent, peels, laser and various hands-on facial threading and massage treatments—and even facial acupuncture and micro-2 needling (although these latter two are invasive in a way).

The verdict was that they are all preferable to Botox because they don’t give you that frozen look.

For me, Notox is all about a specialised skincare routine and accurately reflects my approach to the world of beauty treatments. I always advise my clients and strive to follow the same principle myself: to choose products and procedures that enhance their natural beauty rather than mask it.

Why? Because stay true to yourself is the best foundation for building unshakeable confidence and I believe we should be focused on feeling our best rather than faking a glam and glitzy you who people won’t recognize.

Having said that, the decision to undergo Botox is of course a personal one, but in this case, I’d recommend combining your fillers and other procedures with non-invasive methods to top off and boost your procedures so the look lasts longer.

Ageing is a personal choice

Speaking of wrinkles, the Elle article makes a point that I’ve realized is valid the more I observe mature people. It’s not those lines that give away age, but how people generally stand, walk, sit, get up—and move. Flexibility and balance are keys to health as we get older and they tell more about our age than our beautiful laugh lines, which are well-earned and loved.

Clearly, I too want to look my best but rather than having injections I prefer focusing on good make-up, eating healthy and exercising regularly because I realised these habits do reflect on my skin and body avoiding me the urgency for wrinkle-relaxing injections.

In the end, while Botox can be a helpful tool for addressing existing lines, a healthy lifestyle offers a more sustainable and comprehensive approach to ageing gracefully (or playfully) and you’ll likely increase your life expectancy, too, having stronger bones and muscles, reducing the risk of chronic diseases, having better weight control, improved balance, and less risk of falling.

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Makeup’s Magic: My Notox Solution

Whatever you choose to keep wrinkles at bay, remember that a holistic approach often offers the best results and for those who are unsure about the long-term effects of Botox or prefer a temporary solution, I believe managing the art of makeup is a great option (it also offers a more cost-effective approach compared to Botox).

In fact, with the right techniques and products, make-up can skillfully disguise wrinkles and create a flawless complexion, providing more customisation than Botox, allowing for precise application and tailoring to individual needs and preferences.

Ultimately, ageing is a universal experience, yet the way we perceive and embrace it is deeply personal. As a beauty expert, I’ve witnessed the shift from resisting the signs of ageing to celebrating them as markers of a life well-lived. The industry is evolving, embracing more inclusive, ageless ideals where beauty is not defined by youth alone, but by confidence, authenticity, and self-expression at any age. The key takeaway? Embrace what makes you feel beautiful—whether that’s skincare, makeup, or simply letting your natural beauty shine. After all, ageing gracefully isn’t about perfection; it’s about owning your journey and feeling empowered at every stage.

Confession time:
I tried injections once on my lips. I dared myself to try it because it scared me. But the price wasn’t worth the lack of results. I also gave the acupuncture as a facelift a go, but I could not deal with the needles as much as I tried and wanted to do all the sessions; I just hated the feel of them. So that was that, and I decided I’d been right to choose non-invasive for me—and that’s why it became my mantra, and thank goodness it did. People often think I am younger than I actually am—and it turns out it may be my general fitness level and how I move that may be responsible, as much as my makeup!

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About The Author

Deborah Williams | Beauty Expert

Deborah Williams | Beauty Expert

Deborah Williams is a celebrity makeup artist and beauty expert, founder of GRACE Make up For Midlife, and author of “The Grace Factor: Makeup Techniques for the Woman over 50“. Trained in the makeup and wig program at the Canadian Opera Company, Deborah has fluffed her makeup brushes over many famous faces and continues to work for national TV programs and film. Deborah also lends her expertise to private clients to look at their authentic beautiful selves at any age. “Women in the baby-boom generation are disconcerted by the ageing process on their faces and bodies”, she says. “I give practical advice to help women cope with changes and feel fully confident in the face you present“.

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