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Cracking the Code of Ageing

< 1 min read

All around the world, people are trying to avoid what they consider one of the most worrying conditions of their life: ageing. Why? What’s so horrible about getting old if we are still healthy, driven and full of energy? And in particular, are we really getting old? In the past, we would have been considered only a bit wiser. I think we are simply evolving rather than disappearing. Many professionals reach their potential when they turn 50, a lot of women experience their motherhood when they turn 40 and most of the beautiful ladies out there become more fascinating and mysterious by that time. So why cheat ageing? The Italian actress, Anna Magnani, who won an Academy Award, along with four other international prizes, used to say: “Please don’t retouch my wrinkles. It took me so long to earn them”. My wish is we enter the second stage of our life fully aware of the grace and experience the years have given us. Let’s raise the bar, let’s turn the table upside-down and embrace our journey thinking the best is yet to come. Go on a date with yourself. Say NO to Botox and fillers, say YES to pasta and Prosecco, a little bit of sugar in your coffee, some red lipstick, a nice walk in the park. Welcome to the age of awareness, Crunchy Ladies. This illustrated magazine is for YOU.

SEE ALSO:  The Midlife Mind And The Literature Of Ageing
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