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Well Being: How Can I Reduce Cellulite When Affected By Hypothyroidism?

2 min read

I’m 50 years old and I’ve been recently diagnosed with hypothyroidism. Since then, I’ve noticed that I’ve put on weight and my cellulite has increased. I wonder if one of your experts could advise me regarding the best beauty treatments available at the moment and what I can do to boost my slow metabolism?

Rachel M. – Leicester (UK)


Answer by Aesthetic Doctor Anadela Serra Visconti

Hypothyroidism is something that tends to increase cellulite which may also be caused by the slowing of your metabolism. Nonetheless, with the right lifestyle and appropriate Aesthetic Medicine treatments, you can achieve some great results.

The best and healthiest way to stimulate the metabolism is regular physical activity, at least 3 times a week. I’d suggest trying water aerobics, biking in the water or simply swimming because in this way your working out will be enhanced by massaging effect of the water which in turn has a draining effect on the legs, thighs and ankles.

For local therapies, it would be good to contact a specialist to understand which treatments will work best for you. This may include mesotherapy, pressotherapy, endermology, and shock waves. I think that manual lymphatic drainage can be very useful, too.

In any case, make sure anti-cellulite creams applied morning and evening topically shouldn’t contain thyroxine or iodine that might interfere with any medical treatment.

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Last but not least, keep an eye on what you eat. You should reduce salt and lean towards protein-rich foods (fish and white meats), light cheeses, cooked and raw vegetables, no more than 2 fruits a day and at least 8 glasses of water, which can be either still or slightly sparkling.

One important final fact is to remember to keep any stress at bay as this may interfere with your overall wellbeing.

About The Author

Dr. Anadela Serra Visconti

Dr Anadela Serra Visconti is one of the top Italian Aesthetic Medicine experts, the author of the bestseller ‘Resto giovane, se voglio. Come sentirsi bene ed essere in forma ad ogni età‘ (I’ll stay young, if I want. How to feel good and keep fit at any age) and Professor at the International School of Aesthetic Medicine of Rome.

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