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Trust Your New Journey

3 min read

I had set myself a goal to change my life by the time I turned 40. I wanted to enter this stage of life with a new me, new mindset, new lifestyle – basically new everything – and I did. I had always dreamt of celebrating my 40th in Paris – all by myself, so I booked my ticket and went. I felt reborn.

The thing is, up until my 40th, my focus had been raising my daughter, living to work and going on autopilot, but I had set myself an intention about starting to live my life the way I want to, putting myself first and doing whatever made me happy. Turning 40 was a big deal for me. I had finally got my life back – motherhood came second and me being a priority in my own life came first. It’s what I call ‘The Blissful Forties’ as that is what it is for me. I believe that is a great time to slow down, re-explore our values, create a clear vision, step into a greater purpose and fulfil those deferred or unspoken dreams and desires – by re-organising, re-assessing, and re-defining our lives.

Since entering my 40’s, I have literally done a 360 change of my life, my friend says “I am orbiting” – I am continuously changing, growing and evolving.

I now live my dream life, a life I once envisioned for myself, but at times doubted would happen. I had an arranged marriage that lasted one year; I got pregnant and got divorced before I had my baby. My mother got ovarian cancer and fought for her life for three years until she passed away. Our family fell apart, my father got re-married and my brothers moved abroad. Six months later I decided to move on with my life and focus on me and my daughter – so we moved to London from Norway. The move happened out of the blue, it was quite  spontaneous to say the least. I had neither family nor friends in the UK – so I knew I would be on my own, which was a risk I was willing to take.

SEE ALSO:  The Rewards Of Self-Reflection

The truth is, when it’s time for something new, you will feel it. You will feel a desire to let go, to shed layers, to move, to re-create. You will know because there will be subtle shifts all around you. You will release the old because you are really clearing the path for what’s ahead. Trust the process.

I now love living a slow, simple and intentional life – in-sync with the seasons and I love being organised. It fulfils a great need in me – for order, peace and calm. I shall always make time to live, rest, spend quality time with myself, tidy up, put things away, tidy loose ends, keep tasks up-to-date, de-clutter, use things up, make space, organise my surroundings and generally have my home and life ‘exactly’ the way I want it to be. That is a promise to myself.

My biggest lesson has been to keep going even when you feel like quitting – I actually have my favourite quote tattooed on my wrist as a gentle reminder: “Trust your Journey!

About The Author

Kiran Singh

Kiran Singh is a Single Mum, Lifestyle Coach & Master NLP PractitionerPodcast HostAuthor, an Interior Designer and the Founder and Editor of Design the Lifestyle YOU Desire and My Unique Home. She was born and raised in Norway but the UK has been her home since 2008. She is passionate about helping women envision, create and design the beautiful life they truly desire, to show them how they can start to live their life more fully and most importantly; step into the woman they want to be.

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