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The Midlife Paradox: Can We Really Have It All? | CrunchyTales

4 Signs You’re Aging (No, It’s Not What You Think)

2 min read

Ah, the joys of getting older! We expect some classic signs—the fine lines, the achy knees, maybe a sprinkling of silver in our hair. But there are other sneaky signs that may surprise you.

Let me share four rather humbling experiences that have recently made me happily realize I might just be a bit more “seasoned” than I’d care to admit.

1. Eye-Glasses Are No Longer Optional Accessories

There comes a time in life when the font on your phone looks like it’s shrinking just for fun. You find yourself holding the menu a little farther away, maybe even squinting at ingredients on the back of a cereal box. And then it hits you—you’re going to need readers. Whether you opt for bold frames or secretly stash a pair in every corner of the house, there’s no denying that your eyeballs have hit the snooze button on those sharp, 20/20 days.

2. Young People Offer You Their Seats on the Bus

This one’s a humbling experience that really sneaks up on you. You’re casually standing on the bus, just minding your own business, and suddenly someone young and spry looks up, gives you that sympathetic smile, and gestures to their seat. “No, really, I’m fine,” you stammer, as they insist on giving you the seat because, in their eyes, you look like you might need it. That’s when it dawns on you: you’re not just “adulting” anymore; you’re “adulting” with a capital A.

3. Your Party Invitation Says “Starts at 6 PM”—and You’re Thrilled

Remember when “late night” was code for “just starting to head out”? Not anymore. Nowadays, if someone says a party starts at 6 p.m., you’re practically leaping for joy. A reasonable hour to socialize and still make it home by 9 p.m.? Sign Me Up! You find yourself craving early dinners, efficient get-togethers, and gatherings that allow for a full eight hours of sleep.

SEE ALSO:  Do you lie about your age? Here's Why You Shouldn't

4. Your nose starts getting bigger

If this sounds like a joke, it’s not! As we age, gravity, tissue changes, and collagen breakdown can subtly reshape our noses. The cartilage in our noses, which is a bit more flexible than bone, doesn’t actually “grow,” but it can weaken and droop over time, giving the appearance of a longer or wider nose.

And, of course, it doesn’t stop at just the nose! Ears can follow a similar pattern, adding a little extra “distinction” to your profile with each passing birthday. So, if you find your nose looking a bit more “pronounced” than it used to, take it in stride. It’s a small, charming sign of all the stories and laughs you’ve collected over the years. Besides, who says bigger noses can’t be distinguished? Just think of it as your face’s way of ageing with “character”!

Remember, ageing is just evidence of a life well-lived—plus a pair of readers here and there.

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