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50th Birthday | CrunchyTales

10 Ways To Celebrate Your 50th Birthday In Lockdown

6 min read

Milestone birthdays are exciting but they can also be a little overwhelming when thinking of all the things you still want to accomplish over the coming years. Turning 50, in particular, seems like a big deal: because it’s a nice even number and one that calls for a special celebration, even if you aren’t one to typically acknowledge your birthday. And even though we are in a pandemic, there is no reason to skip “the big day”; you just have to get a little bit more creative than you normally would.

So if you have a birthday coming up, here are some ideas that would make for a great milestone birthday celebration even if you are at home and can’t physically be with your friends and family. Remember to take a lot of photos and post them, you never know who else may have a birthday soon and might be looking for ideas!

Take the day off

If you can, take the day off of work or designate a weekend day instead to try and do all of your favourite things. The key is to make simple plans that will make you happy all day long. They could be things you do every day but try to find a way to make it more special. For example, if you usually like to enjoy your coffee while reading a book, why not splurge and get a freshly roasted one from a local shop to go with your brunch and make the time feel even more relaxed and special. Take that indulgent extra long walk you’ve been meaning to take or cook a recipe you’ve had your eye on for a while. If restrictions in your Country are not so tight, book in for a massage. The point is to do things that will fill your day with joy!

Get dressed up

To make the day feel different and anything but ordinary, get dressed in an outfit that will make you feel special. Do you love sequins or high heels but can’t justify wearing them in quarantine? Now is the time to pull out the items that make you feel great and most importantly, empowered! Even though you may not be going anywhere, this will make the day feel extra exciting. Throw on something you haven’t typically been wearing on a day to day basis and if you’re feeling up to it, do your hair and makeup. Taking your time and getting glammed up will be a great way to start your day, even if it is just spent at home. You may be getting on a video call or taking lots of photos, so you’ll be ready for whatever comes your way.

Buy yourself something frivolous

If you were planning to do something for your birthday that you had to cancel or postpone indefinitely, a way to still honour your day now could be buying something you’ve had your eye on for a long time. Splurge a little and buy that thing you never thought you’d buy with the money you are saving or put it on your wishlist without feeling silly. A milestone birthday will feel even more festive if you have something special to remember it by!

Throw yourself a virtual party

Even if you’re not wild about celebrating your birthday, a milestone celebration might be something to consider. Even if it is virtual! However, before setting up a meeting on Zoom and inviting all your friends for a digital happy hour, don’t forget to set up your birthday background with balloons, flowers and other decorations and, of course, spoil yourself ordering a very special cake from a pastry chef (even if that means you will be the only one getting a slice). Alternatively, if you prefer celebrating with the one/s you are in quarantine with, you can order a special delivery from one of those fine-dining restaurants you’ve always wanted to go.

Of course, nothing stops you from planning a party for when you can get together safely with friends and family. All that time to plan is bound to ensure a party you’ll never forget!

Invite friends to join you in some virtual activities

Due to the pandemic, it may be necessary to plan a virtual activity. The good news is there are so many choices available. There is everything from online cooking and wine tasting classes, to virtual workouts, including online tours of museums around the world. You can do them alone, with someone you’re living with at the moment or virtually with friends. With so many options to choose from, it will be hard to pick just one and the good news is, you don’t have to. You could even have different friend groups join in for specific parts of your day if you wanted. Also, a lot of these virtual activities are lower cost with unlimited availability, so you may even choose to treat your friends for your special day. In need of an extra idea? If you are looking for something very special (and if you like the genre) check out The Digital Murder Mystery Co. The platform provides download-ready parties (such as pre-crafted murder mystery themes), immersive evenings and bespoke soirées – all of which are specifically designed for entertaining online. Events planning company Virtually Together, could also help to organise a virtual gathering, turning an ordinary group video call into something more special.

SEE ALSO:  5 Stay At Home Date Nights For Midlife Bloomers

Plan a big trip for when you can safely travel

Planning a trip and having something to look forward to would be a great way to celebrate a 50th birthday. Thinking of where you want to travel and researching the activities you can do, might be just what you need to get through your quarantine birthday. Dream big because you only turn 50 once and a milestone birthday is a perfect opportunity to take the trip that you’ve always wanted and visit somewhere new or revisit an old favourite.

…Or take a local trip now

Another fun option might be a weekend trip you can safely take now following the safety precautions in the place where you’ll be travelling. Picking somewhere within driving distance could be a fabulous way to celebrate your 50th, even so somewhere close to you, could be just as memorable. If you go during the warmer months, there will be plenty of activities to do outside that you can fill your days with. Or, if you happen to go during colder weather, getting a change of scenery and curling up by a warm fire could be just the thing you need to reflect and recharge.

Do something meaningful

If there is something that is on your bucket list that is attainable to do, do it now! Whether it is hiking a challenging trail near you or finally doing something you’ve been wanting to accomplish, like learning a new skill, now is the time. Part of the reason milestone birthdays are so unique is because we tend to do something extra memorable to celebrate. Keep this in mind when choosing what you want to do to make your day extra noteworthy, it will stick in your mind and will end up being a fond memory to look back on.

Give back

If you have an urge to give back to your local community and there are volunteer opportunities that you can do safely, go for it! There’s no better way to start off a new decade by doing something for someone else. There are various ways you can virtually give back to an organization that is meaningful to you, whether that is through an online donation or by offering your time or expertise. There are a lot of options to fit any budget and skill set.

It’s okay to do nothing

It’s okay to do nothing or not plan a grand affair. If all you want for your birthday is a good meal you don’t have to cook or clean up after, that’s perfectly okay! Celebrating a birthday is not for everyone. If it isn’t your thing, you may want to think about other ways you can commemorate your 50th by planning for the decade ahead, or writing down the things you’ve accomplished so far that make you proud and things you’d like to do in the future.

There is no right or wrong way to celebrate your birthday so do whatever you are comfortable with. Take a few moments for yourself to think of all of the things you are grateful for. As the years roll on, some of you may start to feel a little apprehensive about your birthdays as they get closer. I like to tell myself and my friends we get better with age and we wouldn’t be who we are today without all of the experiences we have had so far. Now is the time to embrace your age, and who you are. There are so many great years ahead and the future is something to look forward to. Ageing gracefully is not always easy, but I think it actually makes us brighter.

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About The Author

Kristen Jensen

Expert Kristen Jensen

Kristen, the owner of Kristen Jensen Productions LLC., is a lifestyle expert, content creator, author, videographer, photographer and public speaker. As a former international fashion model with ‘Ford Models’she made an easy transition to the other side of the lens. Kristen has a wealth of knowledge and experience plus an exceptional eye for those special details that trademark her style bringing an enlightened and gracious touch to advertising magazines, portraits, video and keynote speaking presentations. “I’m in the business of making people feel and look their best, she says about herself. This unique perspective comes as a result of her years in front of the camera.

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